Beard Ambassador

Are you interested in becoming a Beard Ambassador?  Wait!?!  What is a beard ambassador?  

A Beard Ambassador is someone who promotes the Adirondack Beard Company's products in exchange for reduced price products along with earning a percentage of every sale that a Beard Ambassador funnels to the Adirondack Beard Company.

Who are we looking for?

  • People interested in earning extra income.
  • People looking for flexible hours.  
  • People who are passionate about the products they use and likes to tell others about them.

How does it work?

We provide you with a code that you can promote for others to use.  Every time that code is used, you earn a percentage commission of the sale.  We also provide you with an affiliate link you can post on your website or social media which tracks every order placed through that link which equates to you earning a percentage of every sale.

How much can I earn?

You can earn up to 50% off products and up to 15% in commissions.

If this sounds like something you are interested in, contact us.

Become a Beard Ambassador today!